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processing techniques
Cutting, slotting, drilling
Cuts and holes (with or without countersunk) are made on the glass using numerically controlled machines and precision drills. It is possible to realize many different types of holes and to give different shapes to glass in compliance with technical limits.
How to transform and shape the glass: curving.
Curved glass is the result of a gradual heating to high temperatures (between 500 and 750°C) that makes the glass enough malleable to adhere (by gravity or forced in some way) on a stamp, concave or convex, placed vertically or horizontally inside the oven.
Usually the bending of a glass sheet is assisted by mechanical or pneumatic devices that allows to bend glass with an higher viscosity keeping unchanged the original properties of the glass even after being in contact with the stamp. The process is ended with a rapid cooling down of the glass to obtain a tempered curved glass.
Engraving and sandblasting
Engraving the glass is a particularity of our products and allows us to grave any form or drawing on the glass making it durable through time.
This technique gives tridimensionality to the design engraved on the glass that becomes something alive, changing according to light.
Sandblasting is obtained through a mechanical process of abrasion which gives the glass a regular and homogeneous aspect.
Some engraved subject can also be subjected to a following step of manufacturing, the painting of engravings. Painting is a handmade process where color is applied with a special brush and then glass is cleaned up to erase any possible smear. Different colors are available always in transparent glossy finishing.
Gold leaf
The application of gold leaf is an operation made only by skilled craftsmen. Since ancient times the gold leaf is the highest expression of craftsmanship and its technique is remained almost unchanged though time.
Gold leaf is a thin sheet with a thickness variable from 0,01 to 0,08 micrometers. Casali uses sheets of pure gold 24k displayed using a particular brush and then gilded with gold powder. Once finished a transparent treatment is applied to strengthen the gliding.
Casali uses this ancient technique to enrich some of the subjects of its collection.